Meet Mandy

At Amador County Animal Control and Adoption Center we always look for special attributes when writing about our adoptable animals, and Mandy had her share of those. She was young, healthy, and cute as a button. But, like some of the dogs who find themselves in our sometimes boisterous kennels, Mandy was fearful. So this story is as much about her new family as it is about her. Dogs who have been in a shelter don’t often arrive in their new homes the perfect pooch. They need someone who will give them the time to adjust to the sights, sounds, and routines of their new life. Mandy rewarded her adoptive people for their patience and understanding by running away. Luckily for all, she came back. She then set to work chewing up their blinds and walls. Even this did not deter her new owners. They stuck to it, have worked through all of her anxieties and took her to training. Now, 3 months later, here’s what they have to say: “Mandy is doing great and she is a big part of our family”. Lucky Mandy. Loving family. A great deal all around!