We are moving and we want YOU to come too!
A-PAL Humane Society and Tri County Wildlife Care have teamed up for the last 5 years to share space and resources and now we have taken the step to join domestic animal and wildlife care in a permanent home called the Paws Partners Center. We are now together at 12360 Trade Center Drive, right next door to Jackson Creek Vet Clinic. We are excited to be able to care for more animals and to provide more space for their better recovery. Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of Dr. Lisa Hilf and Dr. Bob Yack, Barbara J. Brown, Rose Swingle and the estates of Mary Lee McClure, Hazel Johnson, Bette J Phipps and Marjorie Strohm, we have a wonderful safe harbor for animals in need. Both non- profit groups benefit our community and together we are stronger with our greatest asset being our shared volunteers. We look forward to continuing to expand and innovate operations at this new location and to continue to support you and county operations. Thank you for your kindness and good wishes and we will keep you posted as we get ready for baby season. CHECK OUT OUR WALLS
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April 2024
Welcome!PawsPartners.org is an alliance formed between A-PAL Humane Society of Amador County and Tri County Wildlife Care, the latter serving native wildlife in Amador, Calaveras, and Eastern San Joaquin Counties. Since inception we have added the Shelter Partners volunteer group, who support our local Animal Control organization, and Amador County Animal Response Team (ACART). Categories